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Winter Camp 2023 [English with Music Class]

January 2 to January 19, KICS had our 2023 Winter Spiritual Camp.

During the camp, students had classes in the morning and worship service in the afternoon. A class that some of the students chose to take was the Musical class.

Students who participated in this class had an opportunity to put together and perform a musical. The story that they performed this year was on the birth of Jesus.

Students first started off reading the story of the birth of Jesus in the Bible.

Students read Matthew 1: 18-25 and Matthew 2: 1-23. After reading the story in the Bible, students received the script for the Musical on the birth of Jesus.

Students each chose the character that they wanted to be.

They practiced reading the script and memorizing their lines for the scenes that they would be performing.

During class, students had time to practice singing the songs and memorizing the motions for each of the songs that they were going to perform.


Every Friday, students had the opportunity to practice the musical in the auditorium so

that they will get used to performing the musical on stage on the day of the final performance.


Students practiced singing and acting on the stage. The students worked

hard memorizing their dialogues as well as adding emotions as they recited their lines.

For the final performance, the students had the opportunity to get dressed up as their character

and perform on the stage.


Students enjoyed getting dressed and finally performing the musical that they have been preparing for two weeks. The students had fun putting together the musical and watching the other students perform their parts. This opportunity gave them a chance to really learn the story of the birth of Jesus as well as practice speaking, reading, and acting in English.


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